774 675 908

Trenér Stéve


If you are looking for a personal fitness trainer, who can help you with over-weight, then you are on the right place.

My name is Štěpán Vaňous and I'm personal fitness trainer. I will make a training plain for you according to your possibilities and targets. I can help you with any of your requirements in fitness area. Under my leadership you'll learn the right way to do the exercises, avoid the health issues, prepare you for extreme races like Spartan race, bikini fitness or classic races, set the right count of series and repeatings. I'm going to be your MOTIVATOR, who will lead you further. With my help you will reach your target soon.

I'm focused on every age category of men and women. You can contact me via e-mail, phone number, facebook or instagram.

I'm looking forward to see you.


  1. iconGrowing the muscle mass
  2. iconWeight reduction
  3. iconImproving physical condition
  4. iconGetting in the shape
  5. iconHealth exercises
  6. iconTRX
and more: Correct body holding, Circuit training, BOSU ® exercises, Exercises with elderly